Elijah - Week Three

Elijah - Week Three

Elijah – Week Three

As a prophet during a time of unbelievable idolatry and immorality, Elijah stood against the evil all around him. Could we stand with the same conviction? Would we stand for God even if we’re alone? We’ll help answer these questions by studying:

  1. Two specific events in Elijah’s life.
  • There are two specific events in Elijah’s life that we can identify with and learn from to apply to our lives. 

1 Kings 18:1-2

1 Kings 18:7-8

1 Kings 18:9

1 Kings 18:15-16

1 Kings 18:17

1 Kings 18:18-19

1 Kings 18:20

1 Kings 18:21

“How long will you waver between God and Baal?”

This addresses the first group of people, the Dancers.

This type of living harms our relationship with God.

You can’t have a close relationship with God in the present while you are planning to sin 

in the future.

1 Kings 18:21b

1 Kings 18:22-24

1 Kings 18:24b, 26-29

1 Kings 18:30-39

1 Kings 18:40

The next group is the Decided.

The theme of perseverance is throughout Elijah’s story.

1 Kings 18:41-43

1 Kings 18:44-46

We must have perseverance. It’s a long obedience in the same direction.