This is our God - Week 2

This is our God - Week 2

Posted on 01/12/2024
01:02:51 | 985 views

God is gracious and we don’t need to prove ourselves.

John 4:3 (ESV)
Jews and Samaritans saw each other as unworthy of dignity or respect.
Jesus intentionally goes to Samaria.

John 4:7a (ESV) - The Samaritan woman goes to the well at a time when she knows no one will be around.

John 4:7b (ESV) - Jesus speaking to this woman would have been seen as scandalous.

John 4:9 (ESV) – Jesus isn’t worried about what people are thinking; He just cares about this woman.

John 4:10-14 (ESV) – Jesus is talking about her spiritual thirst.

John 4:15-17 (ESV) – People often misinterpret that this woman is an adulterer.
What if the problem Jesus was trying to fix was actually shame?
Jesus is breaking every social rule to meet this woman at the epicenter of her shame.
At our worst, Jesus still wants to draw near.

John 4:19-26 (ESV)
Jesus is the answer to receiving the forgiveness, acceptance, transformation, redemption, and unfathomable grace that you have to experience to truly believe.

John 4:27-29 (ESV)
The woman leaves her shame and runs to the people who have harmed her because they have no power over her anymore.

Not only did God freely forgive her and love her, but He used the rest of her life in a powerful way.